Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Home Interior Decorating

In order to do apartment interior design on your own, you have to have some type of plan and some type of budget. If you know how much you can spend, you can start thinking about what you want to spend that money on. If your landlord grants you permission to paint, that can really change things up for you. If you are in a smaller apartment, you can go with one color and paint with variations of that color to keep it uniform. You can mix and match different colors in different rooms with a larger apartment. Spend as much time as you need because you are going to have to love what you choose. Next, go for curtains, throw pillows, and even a couch cover to add color that compliments what you have put on the wall. Go with a neutral color for your couch, as you can add color to it with the pillows. If you are not sure about pillows, sew your own. You may love something bright and colorful, but you always want your couch to match anything, making neutral essential for this piece of furniture. The pillows are interchangeable and are much less expensive to change. Your curtains can be the same as the pillows ?change them as your mood changes for apartment interior design. You may not want to spend a lot on finishing touches for apartment interior design, so see about saving money. Go to rummage sales, thrift stores, and even take a trip through your parent's attic to see what you can find to fill your walls or sit on your shelves. Even old books can look great, even if you will never read them. Look for old glass bottles and vases, small boxes that may have been jewelry boxes or small chests, aged photographs and even old jewelry as decorative accents for your new design ideas. These can make a good room into a great room.

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating

Home Interior Decorating